Tech On Demand – How It Works

It’s Easy Peasy With Our Simple Steps

It’s really easy to get started and we’ll start freeing you from most tech work in about two weeks. We’ll use our onboarding processes to learn about your systems and goals, and then we’ll start taking care of your platforms and tasks every week.

1) Onboard Client

We’ll learn about your systems, challenges, and goals to establish a winning plan

2) Learn Processes

We’ll share how we’ll maintain your systems and how you can submit issues and new work.

3) Manage Platforms

Handle updates, changes, problems, and issues followed by status updates and reports

Start Now

Get professional, reliable, and quality help for your critical revenue-generating website, courses, and community.


If you are figuring out how to create a new training business, product, or service, here’s how we would do that.

How To Plan A New Service

  1. Have a discovery call about your project
  2. Review your goals, budget, and desired outcome
  3. Start creating a technical blueprint
  4. Research, test, and document each requirement
  5. Create a detailed technical plan with execution phases

Setting Up

If you need a new platform set up, here’s how we would do that.

Set up and design your course

How To Plan and Build A New Service

  1. Have a discovery call about your project
  2. Collect design, information, and assets
  3. We start building, uploading, coding, and configuring
  4. Review progress, tweak, test, and iterate until ready
  5. Configure final production components, settings and launch


If you are ready to focus on new creative work while we keep your systems running 24×7, here’s how we would do that.

How To Maintain Your Services

  1. Securely provide your system login credentials
  2. We start monitoring and checking weekly
  3. We update your system with the latest patches, themes, and security fixes
  4. We back up your system settings and user experience
  5. Notify you about any issues like memory, performance, accessibility, broken links, and security concerns
Website designer fixing teacher website and providing maintenance support


If you want to stop wasting hours trying to fix your systems or your students devices, here’s how we would do that.

How To Fix Your Problems

  1. Submit an online trouble ticket explaining the problem
  2. We start investigating the problem and the root cause
  3. If necessary, we ask your team or your student follow up questions
  4. We start fixing the problem, cross-checking with documentation, working with vendor, and testing
  5. We work with your team or student to verify everyone is happy again


If you need some experts to audit your systems to find growth opportunities, here’s how we would do that.

How To Audit Your Service

  1. Submit an audit request explaining your problems and opportunities
  2. We clarify the analysis so we know what outcome to focus on
  3. Start researching problems using our experience, templates, checklists, and tools
  4. Create a detailed report that explains problems with clear, prioritized recommendations
  5. Deliver report, optionally meet, answer questions and recommend an implementation plan
fashion design online course teacher thinking about improving content


If you want someone to make your systems faster, better, cheaper, here’s how we would do that.

How To Improve Your Systems

  1. Submit an area of concern and schedule a meeting to hear about your challenges
  2. We’ll research and investigate your current situation
  3. We’ll share several options with different times, benefits, and costs
  4. You can approve an approach, and we’ll get started
  5. Once we implement the improvement, we’ll monitor stats to confirm and find additional opportuniities

Need More Information?

If you still have a few questions, let's talk about it. First, you'll get a sense about our expertise and easy-going style. Then, we'll talk about your challenges and goals. Finally, we'll brainstorm on a few options to level up your business.

You can start by either filling out an online form to send us a message or scheduling time to hop on a zoom call.

Change Your How To Unlock New Levels Of Success

Think about a future where you have more time to create, have more powerful capabilities, and can launch more ideas.

What You Do Today

  • Wasting hours with energy-draining issues
  • Limited by simple tech band-aids that barely work
  • Don’t develop and get stuck on new ideas

What You Could Be Doing

  • Enjoying hours creating fun new content
  • Advanced capabilities from tools and automation
  • Grow by nurturing and executing your ideas

We Help Creative CEOs Grow

We focus on helping professional creative CEOs get tech help so that they can grow and get back to fun stuff.

CEOs Helped


Avg. Per Year

Hours Saved


Avg. Per Month

Problems Fixed


Avg. Per Month

Customer Growth


Avg. Per Year

Revenue Growth


Avg. Per Year

Start Now

Use our Tech on Demand service so you can get back to having fun and growing your business!

Within two weeks, we’ll start maintaining, fixing, and optimizing all your courses, communities, and websites.